Human-caused (known as anthropogenic) climate change has been accelerating at an unsustainable pace for the past century - in large part due to an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Why are carbon dioxide concentrations on the rise? The combustion of fossil fuels by humans.
Well the simple answer is - more than you would think. The inputs that go into a business to make it operate require energy and in many places that energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Software companies have employees that commute to the office and travel to visit clients, rely on data centers to run their code, have their offices heated and cooled and source inputs from vendors that all have their own carbon emissions.
We reached our goal now it's your turn. If you're interested in spearheading a carbon initiative or sustainability program at your company or want to hop on-board a rocket ship that cares about the environment, check out the resources below.